
姓名,天使、安琪儿、Angel.格斗流派,てきとー.出生日,3月6日.身高,168cm.体重,写出来会被杀的.血型,O型.三围,92.60.89.出生地,墨西哥.爱好,玩摩托车.,7天前·AcharacterthatappearsintheKOFseries.FirstappearedinKOF2001asamemberofNESTS.He,alongwithRamon,appearstohavebeengivenMexican ...,TheKingofFighters(KOF)[a]isaseriesoffightinggamesbySNKthatbeganwiththereleaseofTheKingofFighters'94in1994.,Angel(アンヘル,A...


姓名, 天使、安琪儿、Angel. 格斗流派, てきとー. 出生日, 3月6日. 身高, 168cm. 体重, 写出来会被杀的. 血型, O型. 三围, 92.60.89. 出生地, 墨西哥. 爱好, 玩摩托车.

Angel (KOF)

7 天前 · A character that appears in the KOF series. First appeared in KOF 2001 as a member of NESTS. He, along with Ramon, appears to have been given Mexican ...

The King of Fighters

The King of Fighters (KOF) [a] is a series of fighting games by SNK that began with the release of The King of Fighters '94 in 1994.

Ángel (The King of Fighters)

Angel (アンヘル, Anheru) es un personaje ficticio de la serie de videojuegos The King of Fighters. Apareció por primera vez en The King of Fighters 2001, ...

Ángel | SNK Wiki

Ángel is a lighthearted, flirtatious and playful individual who behaves like a cat, in spite of her working status as an assassin for NESTS. Ángel/Gallery · Ángel/Story · Ángel/Move List · Ángel/Quotes

Angel | The King of Fighters Wiki

Angel is a lighthearted, flirtatious, and playful individual who behaves like a cat, in spite of her working status as an assassin for NESTS prior the ...

The King of Fighters 2002Angel

Movelist · Angel does a slow strong punch · unblockable · does much more damage if it counterhits the opponent · early frames of animation can ...

The King of Fighters XVÁngel

Ángel is a rushdown character that excels in pressuring her opponent with the Unchained (UC) System.

The King of Fighters 2002 UMAngel

Angel is a very unorthodox character with a completely unique combo flow and almost unrivaled variety of strings and mixups.


One of the cybernetically modified humans created by the secret syndicate known as NESTS. Her fighting style is something she calls Perfunctory.